
Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Monthly Horoscope

Dec 2005 Monthly Horoscope for Aries.

The year-ends on a positive note. The natives born under this sign witness changes in life – change of office, home etc. but it comes about as smoothly as it can. There is an underlying satisfaction that comes from assurance of better prospects. Communication with long lost friends may be resumed. Fruitful travels are foreseen.

Dec 2005 Monthly Horoscope for Taurus.

This December sees you more resolute about few things that are extremely important for you – safety & security of loved ones, financial aspects and relationships. Money inflow is encouraging and business surges ahead with ease. Inner quest leads you on towards darker questions, within the spiritual realm. Your bonding with the loved ones grows stronger to every one’s delight.

Dec 2005 Monthly Horoscope for Gemini.

The year end is definitely a time for appraisal – May be a kind of SWOT analysis which definitely brings out one realization apart from the others that it is your caring attitude and genuine goodness which has been the greatest asset. Wise men have always focused on and accentuated their strengths. This process may even bring back people whom you have lost touch with long since.

Dec 2005 Monthly Horoscope for Cancer.

The natives born under this sign, experience great studies on the personal front. This success in terms of a comfort with own self, unfettered thinking and increased proficiency at work is what most people desire as it is the key to all kinds of fortunes. Health needs to be taken care of and this may require incorporating a few changes in lifestyle.

Dec 2005 Monthly Horoscope for Leo.

It’s raining luck for the natives born under this sign. A much awaited success comes your way. Relationships are smooth and relaxing. Work is rewarding and social life facilitates desired contacts. One couldn’t ask for more. However you must tread with caution where issues of safety and health arise.

Dec 2005 Monthly Horoscope for Virgo.

The close of the year transforms you into more of a home bird. There is a thrust on revitalizing relations with family, especially elders. Sprucing up your home could also be one of your activities to usher in a new year. One remarkable change would probably be the highlighted increase in your appreciation of aesthetics. Social life will be quite fulfilling.

Dec 2005 Monthly Horoscope for Libra.

These natives do the balancing act again. Even though year end spells revelry, those born under this sign of the zodiac do not ignore work or sacrifice pleasure either. While successful management of business affairs sees money inflow, a desire to play hard, encourages great times even a memorable romantic encounter.

Dec 2005 Monthly Horoscope for Scorpio

A good time for earning through speculation. Money matters take up most of your time and effort. Plans will be afoot for enhancing income and even scouting for new sources. Caution must be exercised in striking deals, settling property issues and staking claims. Hotheadedness will only damage your own prospects.

Dec 2005 Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius.

Bitter sweet – That’s what life really is! Sorrows and Joys, health and sickness, laughter and tears, all go hand in hand. The year end would be similar in many ways. Worries will be there but so will be gratitude for the support from the almighty, family and your own tenacity. First fortnight is suitable for completing all pending business.

Dec 2005 Monthly Horoscope for Capricorn.

The appraisal at the year end is inevitably done by natives born under this sign. Even though finances have been less than satisfactory, the understanding has been achieved that the key lies elsewhere. Earnings will be there but their being the sole focus spells loss of vision that is pursuit of great happiness.

Dec 2005 Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius.

Great times on the roll for Aquarius. Recognition at work is foreseen. Personal growth is on an all time high with a mature outlook catalyzing the whole process. Relationships (old & new!) are richly rewarding. There is peace of mind as well as material comfort. What better way to close a year and welcome a new one!

Dec 2005 Monthly Horoscope for Pisces.

Through the highs and lows this year, you have managed to emerge and evolve as a better person. Inclination towards spirituality and true happiness is what you experience. Apart from this, material success comes to you in decent measures. Life is only as you see it – a great teacher for most part.


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